Tuesday, January 31, 2012

OpenCV Installation

1. Install OpenCV with Code:Blocks
    1)Followed instruction here: http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/InstallGuide
     if you download opencv 2.3.1 extract files to a folder. And in this folder there have already compiled     files   for Mingw, vs9, vs10. So you donot need to use cmake to compile again.(But these files cannot be used successfully, so you need to use CMake to compile again)
    2)configue settings for codeblocks

 after you finish compiling using cmake, please do not delete the cache, else you cannot run mingw32-make in the terminal successfully.

when I finished all above steps, I encount some problems when compiling.(All these problems are gone away when I compile by myself.)
1) libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll are missing.
So, I download these two files online, and put them in the directory of compiler in codeblocks. That is, D:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin (which is the path in my computer).
2) the problem always crashed when calling cvNamedWindow function

2. Install OpenCV with Devcpp

3. Install OpenCV with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
the steps are similar to what mentioned above.
The bug frustrated me for a long time is you should put the test image correctly.
If you have problem, take a reference to the linnk below:

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