Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kinect Sensor Programming

Good resources on line:

Consists of:
The Kinect is an attachment for the Xbox 360 that combines four microphones, a standard RGB camera, a depth camera, and a motorized tilt.

Raw Sensor Value:
The raw sensor values returned by the Kinect's depth sensor are not directly proportional to the depth. Instead, they scale with the inverse of the depth. People have done relatively accurate studies to determine these coefficients with high accuracy, see the ROS kinect_node page and work by Nicolas Burrus. Both of these are excellent resources for working with the depth and color cameras.

The Kinect reads infrared and color data with different cameras. This makes it very challenging to determine the color of a given depth pixel or the depth of a given color pixel. Doing this requires knowing the intrinsic parameters of both cameras (they are similar, but not identical) and knowing the extrinsic mapping between them. Doing this correctly involves working with things like OpenCV which can be kind of a slow for realtime applications and can be a frustrating library to interact with in general. This calibration is also challenging because the depth camera can't see simple checkerboard patterns - it needs a checkerboard pattern that also contains regular and calibrated depth disparities. Fortuantely Nicolas Burrus posted the calibration for his Kinect color and depth cameras here, which gave pretty good results for my Kinect although there was still some noticeable misalignment.

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